Tennessee's cop video leaked reddit

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n investigation found the officers participated in "Girls Gone Wild"-type parties, heavy drinking and having sex while on duty; three others were suspended without pay.

 Tennessee police department was in turmoil Tuesday following allegations that at least five of its male officers had sex with a female officer both on and off the job.

So far, five officers have been fired and three more have been suspended without pay as officials in the Nashville suburb of La Vergne investigate the allegations against the 60-person police department, Mayor Jason Cole said.

“This situation is unacceptable and as soon as it was brought to our attention it was immediately investigated and action was taken upon the individuals involved,” Cole said in a statement. “Our top priority moving forward will include rebuilding the public’s trust.”

The accounts of La Vergne police officers were in an internal report about the department’s investigation obtained by NBC affiliate WSMV of Nashville. The officers spoke about sharing cellphone photos of their genitals, having sex in the police station on duty and taking part in “Girls Gone Wild”-type parties.

“The actions of a few do not represent the department as a whole,” Police Chief Burrel “Chip” Davis said.

Davis said that despite the firings and suspensions, “we have sufficient staff to cover all of our patrol shifts.” He said counselors have been brought in to “help our officers work through these circumstances.”

Maegan Hall, the female officer at the center of the scandal, has been fired, city officials said. Also sacked were Sgt. Lewis Powell, Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan, Detective Seneca Shields and Officer Juan Lugo-Perez.

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