WWE SmackDown Results: Roman Reigns faces surprise attack; Bray Wyatt revives lost gimmick - Winners, Recap, Grades, and Highlights (January 20, 2023

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WWE SmackDown kicked off with a recap of The Bloodline from last week, and we saw them walking into the arena tonight. They were all enjoying themselves except for Roman Reigns, who ignored a fistbump from Sami Zayn and gave him an angry stare.

WWE SmackDown Results (January 20, 2023): Drew McIntyre & Sheamus vs. The Viking Raiders

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Sheamus was in control early on after the Vikings took out Drew. Sheamus hit the Beats of Bodhran before Ivar took him out. Drew was tagged back in and got some big suplexes and a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Sheamus got the White Noise on Erik before getting a suplex on Ivar. Drew got the Future Shock DDT before Sheamus picked up the win off the Brogue Kick on Ivar.

Result: Drew McIntyre & Sheamus def. The Viking Raiders

Backstage on SmackDown, Sami Zayn asked Roman what was up, and the latter confronted him about the way he looked last week when the Usos came out during his match. Sami said that he was shocked when they showed up and felt betrayed because he was supposed to take KO out himself.

Reigns kicked him out of the locker room after telling him that he didn't feel the need to run everything by The Honorary Uce.

LA Knight was out next and said that he was going to turn Bray Wyatt's lights off at the Royal Rumble before heading for the following match.

Greg Jones vs. LA Knight on SmackDown

Knight was in control early on, and Wyatt seemed to mess with the lights, and the Titantron and Jones managed to get some big moves in off the distraction. LA got a big lariat and a Snapmare Driver before getting the easy win.

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