Body camera footage from Paul Pelosi attack

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The video, first obtained by NBC News affiliate KNTV, shows police approaching Pelosi's home and then the door being opened with Pelosi standing next to the suspect in the case, David DePape. Both men are holding onto a hammer

Asked what's going on, DePape says, "Everything's good."

Warning: This video contains graphic violence and may disturb some viewers.

Drop the hammer," one of the officers says. "Nope," DePape replies, before quickly wresting it from Pelosi and attacking him with it. The officers immediately tackle DePape, and Pelosi is seen lying motionless on the ground. The time between the door being opened and the hammer attack is about 14 seconds.

Prosecutors also released Capitol Police security video of the exterior of the home. It shows DePape with several bags, including a large backpack, in a yard outside the Pelosi home. He appears to remove the hammer from the bag. The video then shows him using the hammer to break into the house, repeatedly swinging the tool in an effort to force his way in through a glass door on the back porch.


DePape told police "it was not easy" to break the door, and he was worried the Pelosis would hear the noise. He said he made it up to the couple's bedroom to find only Paul Pelosi there, and sound asleep. "All that noise he did not hear," DePape said, according to an excerpt of his police interview released Friday.

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