Havana Syndrome Might Be Real and It’s Scary as Hell

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Journalist Nicky Woolf has spent months looking into the bona fide mystery of what exactly is happening with all of those U.S. diplomats and intelligence operatives reporting brain injuries thanks to some unnamed, futuristic weapon—and come away with the impression that this story, however far-fetched it may seem, may actually be true.
Woolf joined Fever Dreams hosts Will Sommer and Kelly Weill on this week’s episode to talk about his new podcast exploring “Havana Syndrome

He explores the first two dozen cases of the mysterious illness—and traces its spread across the world to U.S. embassies and outposts in far-flung places like Hanoi and Vienna.


“I think at the core of this, not to sort of spoil the podcast too much, that there was a real attack of some kind with some kind of intentionality and with some kind of device,” he said. “We also believe that there’s a huge amount of psychogenic transfer going on, especially once it’s in the public domain. The psychogenic hypothesis is that the human brain and the power of suggestion is very strong and can cause physical symptoms.”

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