Pizza Bomber Video – Brian Wells Died After Robbing A Bank

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The pizza bomber video depicts how a man who was dressed as a delivery boy robbed a bank and later died in a blast. 

Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, a 68-year-old woman who was convicted in a 2003 Pennsylvania bank robbery plot, passed away on Tuesday at the Federal Medical Center in Carswell, Texas. 

She was serving a life sentence plus 30 years for her involvement in the failed robbery in Erie, Pennsylvania, which resulted in the death of 46-year-old Brian Wells. 

Prosecutors believed that five people were involved in the crime and revealed that they thought Wells was part of the plot initially but probably did not realize the danger he was in until the last moment.

Diehl-Armstrong and three other men were determined to be involved in the plot. One of the men had died of cancer before trial, Diehl-Armstrong killed another, and the third pleaded guilty and testified against her. 

Watch  Now Trending video of  Brian wells death 


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