Patna railway station's TV screens play porn clip for 3 minutes, probe on

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The Railway Protection Force has reportedly filed a complaint against the private agency in charge of screening advertisements at Patna railway station

People waiting at Patna  railway station in Bihar were in for a surprise on Sunday as the TV screens installed on the platforms reportedly played an adult film instead of the usual advertisements, according to videos circulating on social media. The incident happened on platform number 10 at 9.30 am, according to an lndia Today report. The alleged pornographic clip was screened on the electronic display for almost three minutes.


Amused commuters reported the matter to the Government Railway Police (GRP) and Railway Protection Force (RPF) in order to register a complaint. Dutta Communication, the agency assigned to relay information and advertisements at the railway station screens, was contacted by RPF to put an end to the apparent accidental screening.

Reportedly, an FIR has been filed and the company has been blacklisted by the railways. The contract with Dutta Communication will be terminated and a fine imposed, the report added.

"We have initiated an inquiry into the incident and started the process of cancellation of contract. We have registered an FIR against the company officials. It is an intolerable incident. We will blacklist this company," a Moneycontrol report quoted Prabhat Kumar, the official spokesperson of the DRM office in Danapur, in a statement.

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