Why is Reddit full of pictures of John Oliver?

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subreddit is the name given to a forum within the Reddit platform - effectively a community of people who gather to discuss a particular interest.

Reddit users - or Redditors - will typically join a variety of subreddits, rather than following individual users on other platforms, and see posts from these communities in their feed.

As well as a few paid administrators, the website uses tens of thousands of unpaid moderators - known as mods - to keep the website functional.WATCH HERE

These moderators may spend one or two hours per day ensuring that their subreddit does not get filled with off-topic comments, content that is banned, or even content which is illega
Moderators of the r/pics subreddit said that while its rules now only allowed users to post pictures of John Oliver "looking sexy", in effect any picture of the comedian was allowed "because John Oliver is always sexy".

The comedian, who holds British and US citizenship, took the posts in his stride on Twitter, calling it "excellent work" and telling Redditors to "have at it", before posting a series of pictures which stretch the definition of the word "sexy".

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