TSA 'no fly' list leaked after being found on unsecured airline server

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A foreign hacker obtained an old copy of the U.S. government's tertorist Screening DataBase and "no fly" list from an unsecured server belonging to a commercial airline. 

The Swiss hacker known as "maia arson crimew" blogged Thursday that she discovered the Transportation Security Administration "no fly" list from 2019 and a trove of data belonging to CommuteAir on an unsecured Amazon Web Services cloud server used by the airline. CLICK HERE TO WATCH MORE

The hacker told The Daily Dot the list appeared to have more than 1.5 million entries. The data reportedly included names and birthdates of various individuals who have been barred from air travel by the government due to suspected or known ties to terrorist organization

 The Daily Dot reported that the list contains multiple aliases, so the number of unique individuals on the list is far less at 1.5 million.

Noteworthy individuals reported to be on the list include  Russian Arm Dealor  viktor bout

 who was recently freed by the Biden administration in exchange for WNBA star Brittney Griner, and suspected members of the IRA and others, according to The Daily Dot. 

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